After Death Clean Up For Undertakers

Complete Biohazard & Trauma Cleaning Ltd

Complete Biohazard & Trauma Cleaning Ltd - Compassionate & Caring
• Fully Qualified To Deal With Biological Hazards
• Licensed For Biohazard Wasted Disposal
• Cleaning & Building Remedial Measures
• Discrete Professional Service
• Fully Trained Staff
• Available 24/7/365
• Service Area Throughout The UK Midlands
• Timely, Prompt Efficient Service.
• Billing To Estate Or Through Undertakers Service
Complete Biohazard & Trauma Cleaning Ltd - Compassionate & Caring

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07891 162629
(we are available 7 days a week)

After death environment cleaning is usually carried out after the body has been removed and any necessary investigations by the coroner and/or police have been completed.  Once the deceased’s body has been removed from the scene by the coroner’s office or local undertakers we can provide a full cleaning service, including any structural remedial works to return the place of death to a useable clean condition.

Biohazards such as bodily fluids and faeces can carry viruses such as corona virus, hepatitis and HIV. The safe decontamination and cleaning of areas that have been contaminated by a death it is essential to reduce and eliminate the risk of infection from exposure.  If  the body has been left unattended for any length of time, bodily fluids such as blood, urine and vomit will often seep into porous materials and areas which are not visible to the untrained eye, making the clean up extremely difficult and the risk of exposure to infection much greater.

We provide a comprehensive cleaning service and have skilled builders on hand to make good any parts of the property that may have been contaminated with body residues.

Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002, employers have a legal duty to protect the health and safety of employees and anyone else that may be on the premises.

Employers must have a procedure in place for reporting an incident involving a biohazard, and its safe disposal, as part of their Health and Safety plan. This plan should evaluate the risk of infection from exposure and state the company’s procedure for the removal and disinfection of the area contaminated.  We can do all this for you.

Why Choose Us?

Compassionate Service

Complete Biohazard & Trauma Cleaning Ltd - Compassionate & Caring

We know first-hand the impact of death on a family. Our care experience includes working with people with mental health issues, dementia and Alzheimer’s. We understand and we’re here to help you. You will always be shown care, compassion, empathy and sensitivity by our team.

Customer Service

Complete Biohazard & Trauma Cleaning Ltd - Compassionate & Caring

We have decades of experience and expert training to offer you a highly specialised clean up service. We’re a family business that cares about our customers and reputation. If required we can offer full property refurbishment without the need for family members to return.

Discretion Assured

Complete Biohazard & Trauma Cleaning Ltd - Compassionate & Caring

Our fully trained & certified, caring and compassionate team always work discretely, ensuring full confidentiality and an in-depth understanding of the effects of trauma and loss. Our vehicles display only discrete livery without drawing attention to your premises